Centers Against Abuse and Sexual Assault
24/7 Hopeline
About CAASA (Centers Against
Abuse and Sexual Assault)
CAASA provides free and confidential services to those impacted by sexual abuse. The mission of CAASA is to eliminate personal, institutional and societal violence against individuals by empowering victims/survivors and providing supportive programs and services. Sexual Violence is never your fault, no matter what you wore, where you went or what you did. The assailant made a choice to violate your rights! Not saying "no" does not mean "yes".
CAASA provides services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Serving Victims and Survivors in Buena Vista, Calhoun, Carroll, Cherokee, Clay, Crawford, Dickinson, Emmet, Ida, Lyon, Monona, O'Brien, Osceola, Palo Alto, Plymouth, Pocahontas, Sac, Sioux, and Woodbury Counties. Our 24/7 Hope Line is 1.877.362.4612.
Sexual Violence is NEVER your fault!
Services We Offer
These services include a 24 hour hotline, crisis counseling and advocacy, ongoing counseling and support groups, shelter, medical and legal advocacy, school outreach and violence prevention programs, community education and information programs, and professional education.
CAASA Office Information
Main Office
P.O. Box 996
Spencer, Iowa 51301
Office Number: 712.262.4612
Fax Number: 712.262.7616
Office Hours are Monday through Friday from 8:30am - 4:30pm.
24/7 Hope Line: 1.877.362.4612
Buena Vista: 712-363-5758
Calhoun: 712-363-5713
Carroll: 712-363-5713
Cherokee: 712-363-5711
Clay: 712-363-5700
Crawford: 712-363-5483
Dickinson: 712-363-5762
Emmet: 712-362-3200
Ida: 712-363-5758
Lyon: 712-363-5686
Monona: 712-363-5483
O'Brien: 712-363-5700
Osceola: 712-362-3200
Palo Alto: : 712-362-3200
Plymouth: 712-363-5711
Pocahontas: 712-363-5758
Sac: 712-363-5713
Sioux: 712-363-5713
Woodbury: 712-363-5734